jueves, 7 de julio de 2011


Teacher [tíchaer]……………….Maestro, instructor

Teeth [tíd]……………………….Insultar

Test [táes]……………………….Prueba, ensayo

The [di]…………………………..El, la, lo, los, las

Their [déaer]…………………….Su, suyo,suya, de ellos

Them [dem]…………………….Caso oblicuo de they; lo, las, les, ellos, ellas

Thin [zin]……….....……………Delgada

This [dis]……………………….Este, esta.

Through [zru]………………….A través; de un extremo a,

To break [tu breik]………….Romper el ayuno, desayunar

To brush [brush]……………..Cepillo

To can [tu caen]……………. Poder, saber

To charge [chary]…………..Cargar

To clean [clín]………………Límpio, puro; Limpiar

To complete [complít]………Completar

To cook [cuk]………………..Cocinar

To cut [cut]…………………..Cortar

To draw [dro]………………..Tirar, arrastrar

To do [tu du]…………………...Hacer, estar

To deliver  [tu delivaer]…Librar, libertar, entregar

To eat [tu it]……………………Comer

To fast [tu fast]…………………Ayunar

To fasten [tu fasaen]………….Afirmar, Asegurar

To feed [tu fíd]…………………Alimentar

To feel tu [fil]………………….Sentir, tocar

To get [tu guet]……………….Conseguir, obtener

To go [tu góu]…………………Ir, irse, andar, marchar.

To head [tu jed]………………Encabezar, principal

To Keep [kíp]…………………..Guardar

To know [tu no]………..………Conocer, saber

To learn [tu learn]…………...Aprender

To lend [tu lend]………………Prestar.

To like [tu láic]…….……………Gustar

To listen [tu lisn]………………Escuchar

To live [tu láiv]…………………Vivir

To look [tu luc]……………….Mirar

To make [tu méik]…………….Hacer, producir

To meet [tu mít]……………….Encontrar

To play tu [ple]………………..Jugar

To prepare [tu prepéaer]………Preparar

To put [put]…………………Poner

To read [ríd]…………………Leer

To rest [tu rest]…………….Descansar

To take [tu teic]………………Tomar

To talk [tok]……………………Hablar

To teach [tích]………………..Enseñar

To show [´sho]………………Mostrar, enseñar

To sleep [slip]…………………Dormir

To stay [stéi]…………………Parar, detener

To study [studi]……………Estudiar

To visit [ tu visit]……………Visitar

To want [tu uánt]……………Necesitar

To wash [uósh]…………….Lavar

To work [tu uáerk]…………Trabajar

Tomorrow [tu-móro]……….Mañana

Type [táip]…………………..Tipo, símbolo,signo

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